
September 11, 2012

Lobster and seared sea scallops with coconut curry sauce

Every now and then a day like this seemingly unremarkable Tuesday, which upon cursory inspection wrongly appears to be like the preceding Monday, begs for lobster and seared sea scallops. So you look down at your uniform of recent weeks and decide that yoga pants are, perhaps, not appropriate for every occasion. You haul your exercise exhausted body up the stairs on your Zumba/running/cycling fatigued legs to put on some real clothes. After digging into the dark corners of your closet you find the jeans you wore when you had some self-esteem. You pull them on over those sore legs that make you think positively about amputation, then pause long enough in front of the mirror to inspect your newly clothed self and realise the hard work is paying off. Then you wander back downstairs in the sweet air that fills your home and sear some scallops and bake a lobster tail and make a nectarine salsa. And while your food cooks, you pop the cork on a bottle of sauvignon blanc bought for an occasion that never came to be but you don't remember that while you pour, only after the fact. And while you sit, with the love that is coconut milk curry sauce drenched lobster filling your mouth, and a cool glass of wine in your hand, and a mental list enumerating all the good things in the world (you are one) you smile. Because you is still good.

Look after yourself. Love yourself. Life is too short to spend living in yoga pants. And make yourself some lobster on a Tuesday.

You know how to sear sea scallops, so I won't bore you with the details. You probably also know how to bake a lobster tail and chop up a bit of mango or nectarine along with a bit of shallot and parsley. So, what I will tell you is this - after you sear those scallops in a very hot pan, make the sauce by deglazing the pan with a bit of coconut milk. Add a bit of salt a tiny bit of sweet curry. Brilliance.


Om nom nom.


  1. I love everything about this post. And good to see you writing again. =)

  2. Great post. I absolutely love seafood. I'd love to try this!

  3. Wow, I love curry but I haven't tried it with seafoods. Must try this on weekend and see how it will work out.
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  5. Foofs made from lobster is always tasty, not unbeatable! ...

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